
  1. 🔗Using Rmarkdown with Eleventy

    I write a lot of R in my life. I’m also a web developer that does most of my writing on this blog in markdown. Up until now these two worlds have been separate. I know and use Rmarkdown at work to write reports but, it always has seemed like a pain to get Rmarkdown to work on this site which is generated using 11ty (Eleventy). Up until now, to get my R work on this site, I have been writing R in another document and manually copying over code and outputs to markdown files. Given how inefficient that process is, I figured it was time to figure out how to write Rmarkdown and render it more seamlessly with this site.

  2. 🔗Some AIM Data Visualizations from Work

    I don't put a lot of what I do at work here. I try to keep work at work and a lot of what I post here is for fun. Lately though, I've been producing some visualizations from Assessment Inventory and Monitoring (AIM) data that I think are worth sharing.

  3. 🔗Gunnison sage-grouse Habitat Comparison

    Similar to my post last week, we are again looking at another AIM data visualization. The last visualization was created from the raw AIM data, pulled from ArcGIS online. This visualization is pulled from terradat, AIMs online data repository for QA/QCed data, and looks at cover over three populations of Gunnison sage-grouse in Colorado, the San Miguel population, the Gunnison population and the Pinon Mesa population.

  4. 🔗VS Code: Add a Rmarkdown Code Chunk Snippet Key Binding

    I recently started using VS code for R development. There is an awesome newish R extension for VS Code. It takes a little setup, it works best with the addition of radian, a python package, but otherwise it works really well. There are solid instructions on the extension page. I love Rstudio for the most part, but I got frusterated by the lack of editor customization (mostly line height). So here we are.

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