VS Code: Add a Rmarkdown Code Chunk Snippet Key Binding

I recently started using VS code for R development. There is an awesome newish R extension for VS Code. It takes a little setup, it works best with the addition of radian, a python package, but otherwise it works really well. There are solid instructions on the extension page. I love Rstudio for the most part, but I got frusterated by the lack of editor customization (mostly line height). So here we are.

One thing that the the VS code R package does not have is a shortcut for adding Rmarkdown code chunks with ctrl+alt+i. I couldn't find an easy solution after googleing so I thought I'd write a short "how to" in case others needed something similar.

Adding the Snippet

Go to Code>Preferences>Keyboard Shortcuts and then in the upper right hand corner there should be a small icon that looks like a piece of paper with a arrow coming around it. If you hover on it, it says "Open Keyboard Shortcuts (JSON)". Click on it to open the "Keyboard Shortcuts.json" file. You can also press cmd+shift+p and type in "Keyboard Shortcuts" and select "Preferences: Open Keyboard Shortcuts (JSON)". Edit the .json file with the following json.

"key": "cmd+alt+i", # On windows: "ctrl+alt+i".
"command": "editor.action.insertSnippet",
"when": "editorTextFocus",
"args": {"snippet": "```{r}\n$0\n```"}

Now you can add a Rmarkdown code junk just like Rstudio with cmd+alt+i.

Options Code Chunk

I often use an options at the top of my code Rmarkdown files to set max print or use "quartz" as my graphics device ("windows" on pc). You can similarly map a an options code chunk with:

//....Previous Code chunks
"key": "cmd+alt+o", # On windows: "ctrl+alt+o".
"command": "editor.action.insertSnippet",
"when": "editorTextFocus",
"args": {"snippet": "options(\n max.print=100,\n vsc.use_httpgd=TRUE,\n device='quartz'\n)"}

Rmarkdown yaml and setup with pagedown.

//...Previous Code Chunks
"key": "ctrl+alt+m",
"command": "editor.action.insertSnippet",
"when": "editorTextFocus",
"snippet": "---\ntitle: '$0'\nauthor: 'Michael Schmidt'\ndate: '`r Sys.Date()`'\noutput:\n pagedown::html_paged:\n self_contained: false\n toc: false\n---\n\n```{r setup, include=FALSE}\nknitr::opts_chunk\\$set(\n echo = FALSE,\n message = FALSE,\n warning=FALSE\n)\n```"