p5 Art - First Tries

Over the holiday break I worked on three things: eating, sleeping, and coding. For the coding part I accomplished two things. I this website to eleventy js and redesigned it (lightly!) and started playing around with p5js again. This post the first of a few about making art and getting better at javascript with p5js and the Coding train. I'll write up a post about porting over the eleventy....maybe.

I've long been a fan of the Coding Train but I have never done much with p5js. Then I happened on Tyler Hobbs and his Fridenza generative art pieces. Tyler makes some really amazing stuff. Tyler makes his stuff in java using processing (I belive?). In my multi year attempt to bet better at javascript, I thought it would be good to try my hand at the art thing using p5, the javascript equivalent to processing. I'll write up a few posts with my creations.

Random Circles

At first I just tried non-overlapping circles. I loved making this. But I relies on just randomly placing the circles. If they overlap it rejects them. It literally takes 10,000 iterations, which is slow. But I like it nontheless. When I first made it I was so stoked. But now it's sheen has worn off and I'm interested in making other things.

To expand on what is going on here, this code randomly selects a pallet. Each time you refresh the page it should grab a random pallet and randomly plot the circles again. I got the pallets from a wonderful R package called MetBrewer. I definitely recommend checking it out.

const pal = [
["#6b200c", "#973d21", "#da6c42", "#ee956a", "#fbc2a9", "#f6f2ee", "#bad6f9", "#7db0ea", "#447fdd", "#225bb2", "#133e7e"],
["#e76254", "#ef8a47", "#f7aa58", "#ffd06f", "#ffe6b7", "#aadce0", "#72bcd5", "#528fad", "#376795", "#1e466e"],
["#660d20", "#e59a52", "#edce79", "#094568", "#e1c59a"], //Navajo
["#fbe3c2", "#f2c88f", "#ecb27d", "#e69c6b", "#d37750", "#b9563f", "#92351e"],
["#2d223c", "#574571", "#90719f", "#b695bc", "#dec5da", "#c1d1aa", "#7fa074", "#466c4b", "#2c4b27", "#0e2810"],
["#fbe183", "#f4c40f", "#fe9b00", "#d8443c", "#9b3441", "#de597c", "#e87b89", "#e6a2a6", "#aa7aa1", "#9f5691", "#633372", "#1f6e9c", "#2b9b81", "#92c051"],
["#bd3106", "#d9700e", "#e9a00e", "#eebe04", "#5b7314", "#c3d6ce", "#89a6bb", "#454b87"],
["#17154f", "#2f357c", "#6c5d9e", "#9d9cd5", "#b0799a", "#f6b3b0", "#e48171", "#bf3729", "#e69b00", "#f5bb50", "#ada43b", "#355828"], //Renoir
["#fbe183", "#f4c40f", "#fe9b00", "#d8443c", "#9b3441", "#de597c", "#e87b89", "#e6a2a6", "#aa7aa1", "#9f5691", "#633372", "#1f6e9c", "#2b9b81", "#92c051"], //Signac
["#5b859e", "#1e395f", "#75884b", "#1e5a46", "#df8d71", "#af4f2f", "#d48f90", "#732f30", "#ab84a5", "#59385c", "#d8b847", "#b38711"] //Redon

let circles = [];

function setup(){
let c = createCanvas(700, 1000)

for(let i = 0; i<50000; i++){
let circle = {
x: random(width),
y: random(height),
r: random(5, 75)
let overlapping = false;
for(let j = 0; j<circles.length; j++){
let otherCircle = circles[j];
let d = dist(circle.x, circle.y, otherCircle.x, otherCircle.y)
overlapping = true
for (var i = 0; i < circles.length; i++) {
drawTarget(circles[i].x, circles[i].y, circles[i].r*2, random(5, 10), pallet = pal[2])

function drawTarget(xloc, yloc, size, num, pallet = false){
const steps = size/num;
let currentPal;
currentPal = pallet;
currentPal = pal[floor(random(pal.length))]

let colorNumber1 = Math.round(random(0,currentPal.length-1));
let colorNumber2 = Math.round(random(0,currentPal.length-1));
while(colorNumber1 == colorNumber2){
colorNumber2 = Math.round(random(0,currentPal.length-1));

let c1 = currentPal[colorNumber1];
let c2 = currentPal[colorNumber2]

for(let i = 0; i<num; i++){
let currentColor = lerpColor(color(c1), color(c2), 1/num*i)
ellipse(xloc, yloc, size-i*steps, size-i*steps)


And I was going to put another sketch down here but I guess I'll save that for a new post because I can't get namespacing to work.